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Start Rubbing your Meals the Wright Way!

Food is the Wright family’s love language. Our little spice mix started out as a simple way to invite people to our table. Now? It’s our business and our dinner.

Our Story

This story doesn’t start where most culinary stories start. It wasn’t passed on from generation to generation. It wasn’t learned from time at culinary school.

It started on a -10 degree day when I sure wanted ribs but was damned sure not going outside to smoke them.

So, the ribs went into the oven and I was prepared to say, “They were good enough.” Instead, I created something so tasty that it became Rubbed The Wright Way. And to this day, I still like my ribs out of the oven.


Over the years, we’ve tried meat of all kinds: wild game, steaks over an open flame, burgers on the grill, you name it. What we didn’t expect was — wait for it — vegetables; including cauliflower, corn-on-the-cob, sweet potatoes…hell, we even sprinkled some on avocado toast. Fantastic. We have even popped popcorn!! My mom actually thinks I should be selling popcorn instead of just the spices we use to make it.

Ice cream. That’s the only thing it hasn’t tasted all that good on. It was plain vanilla. Between you and me? That vanilla ice cream still got eaten.